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3508 Guilford Spring Rd.
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(717) 552-3204

Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a listing of questions randomly asked by those shopping for web services. Be sure to address additional questions to sales@dean-martin.com

Can I pay with credit card, PayPal or do I need to issue a check?

We currently accept major credit cards and also do payments through PayPal. If you need to use a check we can do that also but it takes longer to process your order. Please contact sales@dean-martin.com for more information.  

When you say annually, do you mean pay you all the money up front, or pay monthly for one year?

You must pay the full year at once in order to receive the yearly discount.

What does it cost to transfer a domain name (with you, with Network Solutions)?

There is no fee for transferring your domain to dean-martin.com from us or Network Solutions.

 Do you charge additional fees for using the mySQL database?

No. It is included in the package.

 What is a virtual domain?

A Virtual Domain means having your own domain (http://www.your-name.com) without having to install expensive server hardware and software. With a Virtual Domain, you utilize our server's storage space, however, you are still professionally represented via your own personal Internet web address domain name (www.yourname.com) and by your own personal e-mail address domain name (you@yourname.com).

What steps do I need to take to set-up a virtual domain at dean-martin.com?

Simply signup with us by filling out a our online order form or email us info@dean-martin.com with further questions..

What is the time needed to make space on your server available?

Space will be made available in one business day! Once an account is set-up an activation notice will be sent to you via e-mail including your user-ID, password, and your IP address. You can upload your files and have your site online by the time all ISP nameservers are updated (typically 24-72 hrs)

 Who is Network Solutions?

The Network Solutions is an independent organization responsible for holding the registration and routing of Internet domain names.

 Do you offer dial-up Internet access?

No, you will need local Internet access in order to maintain your website and retrieve e-mail addressed to your site.

Does dean-martin.com support Macintosh systems?

Sure. You can use the Fetch program to transfer files from your MAC to our system. You can also use Telnet and the POP e-mail programs like Eudora, Claris E-mail and Netscape Mail.

 Whom can I contact if further questions come up?

The easiest is to respond to our address: sales@dean-martin.com.

Are your severs connected 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? If not, when and why are they disconnected?

Yes. They are always connected and always monitored.

 What web server do your servers run? (Apache, Netscape, or...?)

Apache 1.3.6

What are your server types: NT? UNIX? Both? Other?

We use UNIX.

What do Autoresponders do and are they included? How many?

An autoresponder is similar to an alias, but it also will send an automatic reply back to the sender. You can have an unlimited number of Autoresponders for no additional cost.

What programs can be used to access e-mail (pine, elm, Netscape mail, etc.)?

All POP clients can be used-- any program which downloads the files from our server onto your computer. You can use mail user agents which run on our servers (such as pine), with a special configuration. You cannot use IMAP programs.

Can I access my domain address with or without the "www"?

Yes, you will be able to access the domain address with or without the "www" in front of the domain name.

What is an email alias and is it unlimited?

An e-mail alias means if you send mail to webmaster@dean-martin.com, that address is aliased to whomever needs to receive it. It can be one person or multiple people, however you need it structured. It is unlimited--get as many as you need for no extra charge!

Do you have a database system? Cold Fusion? mSQL? Other?

We use mySQL.

Do you have FTP and FTP Anonymous access?

Yes, we provide both FTP and FTP Anonymous access with the standard  and plus account.

Do you have a limit on the FTP transfer?

No. There is no limit. You can update your pages an unlimited amount of times, at any time you wish.

 Is a shell account included?

Yes it is included.

 Do you use Netscape's SSL technology?

We use Apache-SSL which is several times more secure than Netscape SSL.

 Can I run two cron tasks to update pages daily?


Are your virtual servers able to work with old and text-mode browsers such as Lynx, or will users with those browsers not find our index.html when putting in only www.ourdomain.com (in other words, are they truly virtual)?

They are truly virtual--you get your very own IP address on the web server. They will work with Lynx.

How many client sites are put on each web server? Do you move sites to different servers if a given server has a high load? Is this monitored?

We do move clients according to demand. We keep the peak CPU load below 10% on all machines.

 I would like to know if you support VRML 1.0 and 2.0 mime types wrl and mus?

We support these. You can set your own mime types with your .htaccess file.

 Does each virtual server have its own log files? We already have our own custom web stats apps, so what we really need is the raw log files and not just summaries.

Yes. You have your own log files.

Do you provide a CGI-BIN personal directory?

Yes, a CGI-BIN is provided.

What is CGI access?

CGI scripts (Common Gateway interface) are used to provide things like counters, form responses, guest books, and many other things. dean-martin.com gives you full CGI access for no extra charge! You can write your own scripts, install someone else's, or use one of our preinstalled CGI scripts.

 Which languages are supported in CGI (e.g. Bourne shell, Perl, Java)?

Bourne, Shell, and Perl are all supported and available. Dean-martin.com does not offer Java support at this time.

How can I manage my e-mail users (add/remove/update). How can I setup mail redirection for my users?

To add or delete POP boxes, use Mail Manager


You redirect mail by editing the address, un-forwarding to the POP box (which deletes it if that's the only reference to it) and forwarding to whatever email address you desire.

Do you charge additional fees for hosting a secure web site?

No. It is a free standard feature.

Do you offer backward compatibility browser detection?


Can I set up forms for secure transmission?

Yes. There is no extra charge.

What cgi scripts are preinstalled?

         pgpmail.pl, formmail.pl and count.cgi

Does dean-martin.com offer SSI?  

           SSI is on all of our servers. You just need to be sure that you call your
        files with the .shtml extension.

What version of Perl does dean-martin.com use?       


Can we set up password protected areas with htaccess?

Yes you can.

 May I promote my dean-martin.com web site with bulk email?

Spamming is in violation of our service agreement. There are legal and ethical issues involved in mass mailing of unsolicited email. Any user of our services who has sent a large number of unsolicited email will have their account closed within 24 hours. A pro-rata share of their current contract will be refunded.

Do you host foreign domains?

Yes we host all types of domains foreign and domestic.

Do dean-martin.com servers support IMAP?

Our servers are not configured to be able to support IMAP. IMAP is possible, however, for only the main username of the account. We cannot provide any support other than turning on your access to IMAP. If you would like this, please let us know where you connect from and we will make an ftp connection to the server. We have to open a port for the location/s that you can connect to the server from.

March 9,2025
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