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How Do I Get My Own Web Site

If you've looked around the web lately, you may be thinking that everyone else has a web site except you. Well, here's a quick primer to getting an online presence.

Site Content
Domain name
Managed Hosting

Site Content

What is the purpose of your site? As you've seen from roaming the internet there are many sites with little value out there. Maybe you have an idea for a new online business or your Church or Civic organization would like a better way to propagate information, or you just want to put up a personal site with interesting information. The most successful sites have content that is unique and interesting. Most people get on the internet to find out some type of information. If you can provide useful or needed information it will build traffic to your site.

Domain Name

The domain name is your identifier on the internet. It is linked to an IP address (ie. so that people can actually find your site without remembering a string of numbers. Choose a domain name that is appropriate and descriptive of what your site is all about. A year ago domain names had to be registered for 2 years minimum at a cost of $70 per year. Now the prices range from $20 to $50 per year.


Now you need a place to actually put your site. Most internet service providers provide free areas to there members for web sites. These are usually small and quite limited in their features. When you decide to move up to a more professional sized site with more features they usually charge between $45 and $100 per month. That is where dedicated web hosting companies can provide greater value. Check out our features and hosting plans.

Managed Hosting

Managed Hosting is one of the newest (and we think one of the best) ways to get and keep your site fresh, trouble free and vibrant. Most organizations do not have the time or manpower to keep up to date on the latest design and programming details - or they may not have the expertise to design a truly dynamic site. Managed hosting solutions allow you to do what you do best while someone else monitors and updates your web site. For only slightly more than discount hosting prices we can provide true managed hosting solutions.

March 9,2025
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